Monday, April 20, 2009


My little trouble maker -- the Maker. He has always liked helping me to cook bake whatever. If I am not makin anything and he's in the mood, he "makes" all by hisself. Normally its not so clean and I am not so happy. He made us "allbutt" soup. How nice of him. He was hungry and I wasn't home yet. For those of you that don't speak 4 year old speak, it translates into alphabet soup. I love the things little kids do ---- well when he isn't being destructive in any way shape or form. I do more dishes with him around than one person should ever have to do. When I do cook or go to make something, I normally have to go on a hunt for the needed tool, pot or pan and then wash everything before I can even start. So do I enjoy cooking/baking at the moment???? NO! I sure hope that one of these days soon, he will stop playing with my clean kitchen

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! Looks delicious! That is how my Skyler is too. He loves the kitchen tools the most!
