Friday, February 6, 2009

The Sister quilt

This is a quilt top that I put together for my dear MIL. The 9 blocks are from the lovely ladies that she served with on her mission. Someone had a grand idea that all 9 of them make a quilt block -- of somekind. Then they could put it together however they wanted so that they all could have their own memory quilt. Well thats fine if you quilt!!!! These particular blocks sat in the cupboard for a long while. Mom doesn't "quilt". She "ties" quilts. I finally talked her into giving me the blocks so that they could be made into something lovely -- or at least I hope so. She LOVES dusty pink and blue. Does it show??? ;) I still need to put on the binding, a dark dusty pink, and wala' it will be done. Wish I could be a fly on the wall when she shows it off at her reunion with these lovely ladies.

This is a close up of moms block.

This block was hand pieced. Unfortunately not very well. I had to re-sew quite a bit of it. So when it was quilted, I had her quilt over it really well ---- just in case........

A close up of some of the quilting. My friend that did the quilting called me up and asked me "do I do ANYTHING normal?????" These particular blocks are 18ish" big. Lets just say I like to challenge her quilting abilities. ;) It helps her grow.

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