Monday, February 9, 2009

First Dentist visit

Better late than never. We finally had our first dentist visit. The hygentisit was really good. She was showing my little man how everything worked and even let him do the sucking and squirting in the cup. He was having a little too much fun with the squirting part though and didn't want to quit. Wasn't too sure about laying down.

They have some awesome looking shades to put on the kids so that the light doesn't bother their eyes to much. Also they can see the tv better. Yeah its on the ceiling. Kinda cool! First time with the flouride. Pretty sure he wasn't liking it so well. But he made it thru without any stress! Big relief for me. Now Ky's turn...........

Ky's laying back just chilling why she's having flouride. Such a tasty ordeal!!!! Dr. Austin is right in there holding the mirror for her so that she can see what is going on. "Hey is that thing sucking?"
All in all, everything went well. Suprisingly NO cavities for either of them!!!!! Yup, a trip to the icecream store was in order! :) Happy Smiles for every one!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a grand adventure! We do the same on Monday! Should be good times!
