Friday, February 27, 2009

bloomin migraines!

I can say I truly HATE Migraines!!! In any way shape or form that they come in. I will go for a while and not have any, then boom I start getting "mild" ones. Out of the blue one of my mis-guided ones happens where my right arm shakes for 4-5 hours. Then a week or so later, yesterday, I got a monsterous one. Now I have a doozzy of a migraine hangover. They hurt just as bad but in a different way. Some one please just take me out back and shot me. JK If you don't get them, you won't understand, but if you do, you know of my pain. And it was so nice of me to share with my two older kids. My older son has been getting them for quite a while now, and he gets the monsterous ones. A year ago, my oldest daugher basically lost her eye sight. She goes to the eye doc and he tells her that it was a migraine -- yup, she loses her vision for a couple of hours -- nice huh? So between the three of us, we make quite the picture, tossing cookies, blind as a bat and shaking up a storm. Enough of my whinning for the moment. Someone please make them stop!


  1. Yeah, I am there with you. They told me when I was 11 that I would out grow them. Here I am 20 years later having lived with them longer than without them, and I am waiting to outgrow them. I don't think the docs were right! I feel for you all!

  2. Ya going blind really sucks let me tell ya!! Luckly it has only happened twice, but still! It's scary!

  3. Sad about the migraines! Happy I found your blog!
