School has come and gone!
AJ graduated Kindergarten and will be moving on to first grade.
Kylee passed all of her classes and will be a freshman next school year. Wow! Where has the time gone?

We started off the year
UNhealthy, but seem to be doing better finally, to a degree. I still have ringing and pressure in my ears from my sinus infection since September. One of these days I will finally break down and go to specialist.
AJ has had another seizure and breathing issues/
sinus infection/strep throat.
Kylee has gotten "curvier". We are just waiting for her to grow. Her specialist happened to be on the news a while back explaining
scoliosis and what he has done to
improve the procedure and that he has kids come from all over. In the meantime, she has had
pneumonia and a recurring low grade warmness. Wayne had issues with his shoulder, back and neck. He then got into an accident in his big truck and whatever happened fixed whatever was wrong. He doesn't hurt in those areas any more. Hopefully we will finish off the last half of the year
alot healthier.
In the meantime, because of the lack of energy from the above mentioned, I haven't done a whole lot of sewing. I think that I will need actual therapy instead of my own therapy.
I did get my dads quilt top made and showed the family the top at our family gathering in December. Then it was a matter of getting the back made and sent off to my quilter. It took a while to do the back. I decided to do it scrappy and use the fabric that I had
originally bought but didn't use on the front. It's fun! Trust me. Now I can't wait for it to get quilted. Can you say ANXIOUS!
I have since done some clothes sewing for a couple of different friends and a bunch of quilt sewing for my designer friend. Stories to come at a latter time.
Now for summer! We really didn't have a spring here. It went from snowing to raining and back and forth. Today it may be decent, I may have to try to sneak outside and get some yard work done.