Friday, July 24, 2009

Fabulous Summer continues

I take the kids in for a routine checkup. They haven't been for awhile. Hindsight, I should have canceled their appointments!

Kylee goes first. Everything is fine UNTIL she bends over and the doc checks out her back. The spine in doing a unique thing -- it's curving! We talk discuss and off to the hospital to get an xray to see how bad it really is. Then we will talk and discuss some more.

Austins turn. Everything is fine with him, just a little under developed mentally is all. No big deal. We talked about his partial seizure last August and how we were recently out in the sun a week ago and he has been acting a little different. The Doc has this look on his face that says "Well let me see, Where's my crystal ball to look back in time to see what you are talking about so I know how to help you out." Obviously, no real satisfying results came to mind, other than keep a journal and he will more than likely grow out of them -- unless they happen again and frequently. DUH! In comes the nurse after he leaves both kids get shot and home we go.

I break the wonderful news to dear ole dad, leave Austin Man home and Ky and myself head up to the hospital that is a half an hour away to go get her xray. We can't go the the hospital that is just down the street --- blooming insurance, but atleast we have insurance, so who am I to be complaining???? The day wears on, mundane things happened and the children are feeling the pain. We eat dinner, dope them up with drugs and off to a nice warm sho-bath for them before bed. Austin is still a little warm when he goes to bed -- keep this in mind.

Sometime during the weeee hours of the morning, Austin comes into our bed and lays down with us. We were both to tired to kick him out and send him back to his own bed. At about 5:30 am Austin screams (like he is having a nightmare), we both try and comfort him and to wake him up because he is groaning and shaking. Lo-n-behold it wasn't just a really bad dream. It was a living nightmare. He went into full seizure mode. Shaking, locked jaw, turning blue -- the whole bit. YUP! Both us panicked just a wee bit. OK ALOT! It lasted a couple of minutes (a life time for us) and then he was unresponsive and dripping wet, both in sweat and urine. I quickly changed him and threw some more appropriate clothes on, other than my summer nightie and off to the hospital we go. Yeah remember that our covered hospital is 30 minutes away and the freeway was closed in two different spots before the exit that we needed to get off at. We went to the one just down the road. Can't wait for that bill!

It took a good 30-40 minutes before he finally responded to any one about any thing. That in itself is just as bad. After a couple of hours, several tests some good drugs we are sent home with the outcome, he has "febrile" seizures and should out grow them by the age of six. It's gonna be a long year and half! For those that don't know, they are seizures brought on by a rapid rise in temperature; however, a seizure can be the first sign of a high temp. The next 24 - 48 hours are the most critical. Can you say OVER PROTECTIVE MOM alert?!?!?! I can honestly say, I hope and pray that I never have to go through that again with my child! I have since talked, actually both Wayne and I have talked with other people that have/had live/d with one of their children and seizures. I don't know about Wayne, but I think I will be able to handle the situation much better. WHEW~! Oh and Praying hasn't hurt either.

We let Austin sleep with us the following night -- just in case. I had gotten out of bed before either boy woke up. Austin wakes up and screams! Wayne instantly wakes up looks over at Austin and there he lays with a big smile on his face telling Wayne "Gotcha"!! Yes they are both still alive! ;-p lol Guess he is on the slow road to feeling better.

Stay tuned for the continuing saga of Ky and her curvy back.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Teach an old dog......

So I have known about the grocery smarts list for a long time now but really haven't done anything with it. Well those that know me, know that I am so below dirt rotten poor it's redickulous!!! I also have a peev with newspapers!!! AGH!! So what did I do??? I went to a "Grocery Smart" class where they teach you how to use their website and heaven forbid -- COUPONS! And what is one of their little tricks? OH YEAH! NEWSPAPERS!!! And not just one copy, they order several copies on sunday to get many coupons! HOLY COW!

After hearing the spiel and talking to several different people that have nothing in common, I guess I will have to try this out. It cant hurt. For those that are interested and haven't started yet go to and your passport # is g84cjk.

There is also a blogspot that will help out too. I think that I might be able to do this... Did I just say that out loud and in print?????

Wish me LUCK!!!